Dyanix offers independent hardware and software advice to ensure you select the perfect scanning solution for your business, automating your digitisation process and speeding up your business.
Dyanix is a leading digital transformation solutions provider with more than 20 years of experience in scanning and digitisation. Our status as experts in innovative hardware and software solutions allows both resellers and end-users across Europe to effectively increase productivity, enhance business processes and provide a solid framework for wide-ranging data analysis and protection.
At Dyanix, the guiding principle in everything that we do is making sure that we maintain positive and sustainable relationships with all of our partners, from highly-valued vendors to our constantly growing network of resellers and end customers.
Over the years we at Dyanix have gained a reputation as experts in capture hardware solutions; offering an extensive variety of products such as document scanners, high-volume scanners, and microfilm scanners to meet the needs of our partners. Whether you're an end-user looking for information about hardware solutions or a reseller looking for the best products to suit your clients or their business, the range and quality of our products mean that you can always find what you're looking for.
In the following article, we'll explain just some of the reasons why so many people across Europe view Dyanix as a trusted advisor in the field of digitalisation.
Studies have shown that mismanagement of document scanning accounts for nearly 21% of the productivity losses that businesses experience, so it's clear that providing customers with the right hardware is something that a lot of vendors regularly fail to do. Document scanners range from small portable solutions to impressive large-format devices which, when used correctly, allow your customers to speed up the management and integration of documents via the use of an automated process.
Document scanners can be divided into four main categories, each being defined by the format of the paper that needs to be digitised.
In areas such as banking, financial services, government administration, or healthcare where large volumes of documents are digitised and converted on a daily basis, the capture process can often be tedious and prone to error when a standard document scanner is used. A high-volume document scanner can turn the capture process of scanning, validating, indexing, and extracting data into a speedy, automated, and efficient process. High-volume scanners can digitise documents at a rate of over 90 pages per minute, considerably quicker than workgroup, desktop, and other departmental scanners on the market. If an organisation is digitising upwards of 40,000 documents per day, investing in a high-volume scanner should be at the top of your list of priorities.
More about High-volume scanners
Many people consider electronic books more practical than physical books, as they don't take up space and can be easily uploaded to the cloud or other online platforms, allowing you to access them whenever and wherever you want. Book scanners allow you to convert physical books and printed material into digital media such as images, electronic text, or e-books.
From a company's point of view, a good quality book scanner can work wonders in terms of cost efficiency, greatly reducing costs of reprinting, equipment management, and paper record maintenance. Digitising books at scale is also a more environmentally friendly option as it saves paper by removing the need to make photocopies and print multiple copies of the same thing.
Whether you're an independent end user or a hardware reseller looking to help people transform your organisation into an efficient digital enterprise, our extensive range of capture hardware means that you can always find the right solution to suit your needs. With over two decades of experience in the field, our consultants are here to help you with anything you need.