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Recap: Apty and Dyanix Webinar on Driving Successful Process Adoption Across Software Platforms

On June 20, 2023, a joint webinar hosted by Apty and Dyanix took place, titled "How to Drive Successful Process Adoption Across Software Platforms." The webinar brought together industry experts Bram van der Plas, Steve Clark, and Jan-peter Meus to address the challenges faced when navigating platforms without consistent guidance and the impact it has on processes. This blog provides a comprehensive recap of the insightful discussions that took place during the webinar.


Webinar: Driving Successful Process Adoption Across Software Platforms

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Ensuring Process Adoption Across Various Platforms

One of the main objectives of the webinar was to explore effective ways to ensure process adoption across various software platforms. The speakers emphasised the importance of change management strategies, particularly focusing on the case of IVC Evidensia, where they successfully implemented these strategies by using Apty. The audience discovered how IVC Evidensia utilised Apty to ensure compliance, leading to enhanced process adoption and efficiency and happier employees!

Identifying Challenges and Impediments

They delved into the challenges that impede process adoption and efficiency within organisations. The speakers shed light on the struggles faced when navigating platforms without consistent guidance, which directly impacts processes. The lack of contextual support and guidance often leads to confusion and inefficiencies. Through a real-world example/case study, the speakers emphasised the significance of addressing these challenges to drive successful process adoption.

Strategies for Ensuring Process Compliance and Correct Execution

The discussion also revolved around strategies for ensuring process compliance and correct execution across applications. Attendees learned about the best practices employed by IVC Evidensia using Apty. The speakers emphasised the value of enhancing the learning experience through contextual guidance. Apty's features such as tracking adoption metrics for data-driven decision-making and guiding users to enter the right data through validations were highlighted as effective methods to achieve process compliance and correct execution.

Enhancing the Learning Experience through Contextual Guidance

IVC Evidensia's Apty implementation showcased how enterprises can enhance the learning experience by providing users with contextual guidance. Apty's platform offers interactive walkthroughs, tooltips, and on-screen assistance, allowing users to navigate software platforms seamlessly. By incorporating these features, organisations can minimise the learning curve and accelerate process adoption, resulting in improved overall efficiency.

Tracking Adoption Metrics for Data-Driven Decision-Making

The webinar emphasised the importance of data-driven decision-making in optimising process adoption. Apty's robust analytics and reporting capabilities enable organisations to track adoption metrics and gain valuable insights. By analysing user behaviour and engagement patterns, enterprises can make informed decisions to refine their processes, enhance user experience, and achieve higher levels of process adoption.

Guiding Users with Validations for Accurate Data Entry

Another valuable aspect discussed was Apty's ability to guide users in entering the right data through validations. This feature ensures that data entered into software applications meet predefined criteria, reducing errors and increasing data accuracy. By empowering users with real-time feedback and validation prompts, Apty enables organisations to maintain high data quality, ultimately leading to improved process efficiency and effectiveness.

This webinar provided a wealth of insights into driving successful process adoption across software platforms. Attendees gained valuable knowledge about change management strategies, the challenges impeding process adoption, and the significance of contextual guidance, adoption metrics tracking, and data validations. The discussions showcased how IVC Evidensia leveraged Apty to establish goals, ensure compliance, and enhance the learning experience. By implementing these strategies and utilising Apty's robust features, enterprises can overcome hurdles, optimise process adoption, and drive greater efficiency across their software platforms.