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Digital Collaboration: team members in a meeting with a remote team member

What is digital working?

In recent years, computer technology advancements have made digital work an increasingly important part of our day-to-day lives; enabling people to work virtually anywhere and collaborate with colleagues and clients remotely. However, while the advent of emails and personal computers once provided us with all kinds of new possibilities in terms of productivity, cooperation, and flexibility, it was merely the beginning of a much larger digital working revolution.


The explosive rise of digital working

Going digital is about much more than just cutting down on postage stamp expenses. Modern digital working involves thinking about the best way to store large quantities of documents on servers, automating business processes, and linking systems together to get the most out of them.

In March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic fired the starting gun for what would become the widespread adoption of digital working practices. As workers across the world scrambled to their digital workstations - many for the first time - few could have imagined just how big a role remote working would ultimately play in our modern work culture.

As that unusual period begins to fade somewhat in our collective memory, one thing has become crystal clear: digital working is here to stay.


Why is digital working becoming increasingly popular?


Dyanix team members working together remotely


For starters, companies that decide to go digital automatically make an enormous leap in terms of efficiency. Information suddenly becomes much more accessible and considerably easier to find and share with others. You also kick-start the process of systematically building up data, which, when collected and analysed in the right way, can then be used to effectively drive the company's business practices.


Digital working doesn't just save companies money on things like energy bills, coffee, and other office facilities; it also gives businesses unprecedented access to a much wider talent pool when it comes to recruitment. The fact that this style of working allows companies to hire people from around the world is a massive plus in a time of staff shortages.


Studies have also shown that digital working can increase productivity, with many employees highlighting the benefits of operating in a comfortable and familiar work-from-home environment without the usual distractions one often has to deal with in an office setting. On top of this, working from home removes the need for employees to commute to a physical office, saving them time and money on transportation expenses. People collectively spending less time stuck in traffic on their way to and from the office is also good for the environment.


Furthermore, working online presents a number of benefits to workers in terms of communication. When employees work remotely, they often need to be more clear, deliberate, and thoughtful in their dialogue with each other. This can help people develop more effective communication habits, such as being more concise, clear, and respectful in their messaging.


Companies who are reluctant to adapt their online business practices to suit the times we live in risk being left behind by competitors, suppliers and clients alike. Remember, even if your current digital working platforms are getting the job done just fine as things stand, the world of remote working is a rapidly changing one. Just as companies who embraced email in the early days of computers reaped the benefits of doing so, modern businesses must also be on the lookout for the latest kinds of remote working technology to avoid missing out on the best products that the market has to offer.

The digital workspace as an anchor for improved business practices


Workspace 365 screen


So, if you really want to get the transition into the new age of remote working right, you should start thinking of how to go about creating a modern digital workspace. Leveraging the latest technology for your online business practices makes everything easier for your colleagues; as you'll be providing them with a comfortable, personalised working environment where they can focus on their most important tasks much more effectively.


A good digital workspace provides users with permanent, secure access from anywhere and from any device. They also give employees access to a wide range of communication tools that allow them to stay in touch and work with colleagues in real-time. All documents, protocols, apps, and other technology are never more than a few clicks away; providing your customers with a faster and greatly improved service.


Furthermore, employees can work on documents simultaneously and always have access to the latest versions of whatever project they're working on. At the same time, they can work comfortably in the knowledge that everyone is always using the same tools.


Workspace 365 provides its users with an adaptive workspace. In other words, it's an interface that can be fully customised to your needs. Curious to see how it all works? To give you a flavour of the user experience, here is an example of a workspace that has been adapted for education professionals.  


Interested in unlocking the power of your workforce and giving front-line and remote workers a simple and personalised experience? Get in touch with one of our experts today to arrange a meeting!